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Shutter Island

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Lehane, Dennis
Paperback - 2007
5 x 7½




The year is 1954. U.S. Marshal Teddy Daniels and his new partner, Chuck Aule, have come to Shutter Island, home of Ashecliffe Hospital for the Criminally Insane, to investigate the disappearance of a patient. Multiple-murderess Rachel Solando is loose somewhere on this barren island, despite having been kept in a locked cell under constant surveillance. As a killer hurricane bears relentlessly down on them, a strange case takes on even darker, more sinister shades—with hints of radical experimentation, horrifying surgeries, and lethal countermoves made in the cause of a covert shadow war. No one is going to escape Shutter Island unscathed, because nothing at Ashecliffe Hospital is remotely what it seems.

La novela en la que se basa la nueva película de Martin Scorsese. Shutter Island está cerca de Boston. Es una pequeña isla en la que tan sólo destaca el Hospital Ashecliffe, un centro penitenciario para enfermos mentales. El agente federal Teddy Daniels y su compañero, Chuck Aule, acaban de desembarcar. Un peligroso asesino se ha escapado pese a las férreas medidas de seguridad. No podrá salir de la diminuta isla, así que Daniels tan sólo mira el reloj. Una rutina más. Así una novela imposible de olvidar, impredecible, que nos condenará a leer obsesivamente...

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